Make the physician meeting matter! Get more face time with the physician by engrossing him with personalized rich and interactive medical content. Track every action and reaction of the digital detailing process to improve targeting with detailing analytics. Enlighten marketing with insights of promotion strategy implementation for continuous improvement.

Features & Benefits


More face time with interactive digital detailing

Enable your rep to engage the physician with high quality, interactive and layered medical content in an interactive "show and tell" manner improving the quality of the meeting.


No more "Let me get back doc"!!!

Empower your rep with a massive digital library of medical content including product features, benefits, unique propositions, case studies, clinic trials and other technical information to answer queries of the physician there and then. On request, the rep can email digital content for a specific subject or product to the physician there and then.

Personalized Experience

Make the physician feel special with personalized content

Physicians want information that is relevant and personalized to their practice. Our unique Algorithmic Playlist, intelligently creates contextual physician specific content "playlists", that the rep can customize if required and play.

Responsive Improvement

Responsive and continuous improvement of digital content for more effectiveness.

By tracking every action and reaction in the digital detailing process, CLM provides the product managers with timely updates on the effectiveness of content. They can continuously improve and update content for consumption in the clinic.

Insights & Analytics

Visibility of marketing strategy implementation leads to better targeting

What really happens inside the clinic can now be seen through our rich analytics. Sales and marketing teams can now gain vital insights of detailing, reactions, trends and behavior and correlate these to prescriptions. This improves Targeting.

Auto Reporting

No more reporting required – its all integrated!

Through the tracking of every action and reaction in the detailing process, the visit report is automatically prepared and integrated with CRM. Geotagging also tracks location.

"Our reps have significantly reduced their missed doctors and calls by almost 50% just by being able to track their activities on their mobile devices."

Device & Device Management

All our digital solutions in the PharmaCRM Suite are operating system agnostic and most of our users bring their own devices. Our partners in the device and device management space have cost effective offerings that can complete the whole solution.